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List of mobile browsers that support contentEditable (designMode) WYSIWYG

As of March 2011, this is a trick question – NO mobile browser even attempts to support contentEditable/designMode (aka WYSIWYG, rich HTML textareas) on portable devices like cellphones, smartphones, iPad, iTouch, etc.

Desktop browsers have been supporting it since IE 5.5 in July 2000 over a decade ago. The Mozilla 1.3 (Gecko) engine implemented it in late 2002, so Firefox 1.5 had it in May 2003.

Also see:

So which one of these will be the first mobile browsers to have it?

Microsoft IE for Mobile
Google Android (Chrome/webkit)
Apple Safari Mobile (webkit)
Opera Mobile
Opera Mini
Firefox Mobile (Fennec)

However I have no information on the brand new Internet Explorer Mobile 9 (aka IE9 Mobile) which was only demonstrated February 2011 by Microsoft.

Since Microsoft invented content-editable, there is a chance they ported it into the mobile IE9 from their newest Trident engine. If anyone can confirm or deny this, please let me know? Thanks!